Prentiss County News

Baldwyn Police Department conducting murder investigation after female found dead on Friday morning

Police in Baldwyn are conducting a murder investigation after a female was found killed on Friday morning according to Police in Baldwyn who were contacted by telephone at 11 a.m. on Friday morning.

“We are conducting an investigation now, gathering statements and investigating what happened,” according to Baldwyn Police Chief Troy Agnew.

According to local Mississippi News Network reporting, a 24 year old female was found killed on Friday. The exact cause of death has not yet been specified.

Police Tape on this building on N Fourth St in Baldwyn

No reports of arrests have been made yet, but Agnew said the investigation is ongoing. He said that additional information will be available later on Friday and did not divulge the name of the victim or any suspects.

We will update this breaking news story as more information is available.

Jon R Myers

Jon R Myers is the executive editor of the Mississippi News Group.

One thought on “Baldwyn Police Department conducting murder investigation after female found dead on Friday morning

  • Cynthia crabb

    Why are people getting so sorry for to be hurting people an killing people fly high conner Kyle u will be greatly missed an prayers for her family an them precious little babys of hers. He should be ashamed of his self for doing this to such a sweet person an taking them babys mama away


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